Vietnam plastic packaging market posted strong performance with CAGR 2015-20 of 12.5% to reach approx. US$6.6bn in 2020. The market is dominated by flexible packaging segment (i.e. multi-layered and mono-layered packaging), accounting for 77% of total market size in 2020.The market is driven by increasing demand from end-use sectors such as beverage, sauce & condiment, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, homecare & personal care, agricultural products, export activities, etc.

This 2021 issue provides the latest updates on Vietnam plastic packaging market including market structure, value chain, market size, competitive landscape and key development trends with the focus on two main segments namely flexible packaging and rigid plastic packaging. In addition, in-depth analysis on plastic packaging outlook from food & non-food sectors is also included in this report.
The most critical findings in Vietnam plastic packaging market:
1. Vietnam plastic packaging market recorded healthy sales growth with CAGR 2015-20 of 12.5%. The market is driven by increasing demand from end-use sectors such as beverage, sauce & condiment, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, homecare & personal care, agricultural products, export activities, etc.
2. Vietnam flexible packaging market recorded strong performance with CAGR 2015-20 of 12.6%, reaching US$5.1bn in 2020. Of which, the market is driven by mono-layered flexible packaging (i.e. shrinkable films, T-bag, shopping/garage bag, woven bag, agricultural film, etc.) while multi-layered flexible packaging segment witnessed stable annual growth of 8%.
3. Multi-layered flexible packaging segment is dominated by foreign-owned companies such as Tapack (Dongwon – Korea), Batico (SCG – Thailand), Saigon Trapaco (MeiwaPax – Japan), Huhtamaki, J.S Packaging, Fuji Seal, etc. while local manufacturers led the mono-layered flexible packaging.
4. Flexible packaging manufacturers recorded consecutive declining profit margin with average NPM of 1.7% in 2019, driven by sharply increasing cost of materials including plastic resins. In addition, given fierce competitive landscape and high purchasing power of end-use customers, it is challenging for flexible packaging manufacturers to pass all additional expenses (i.e. increase in raw materials, new investment cost, selling expenses, etc.) to the end-use customers.
5. Rigid plastic packaging market in Vietnam generated CAGR 2015-20 of 11.7% to reach over US$1.5bn in 2020. The strong growth is contributed from both domestic production as well as import activities. The market is dominated by Top 10 manufacturers that accounted for 36.4% of market share in 2019.
6. Rigid packaging companies’ profitability followed the downward trend since 2016 due to rising raw material price. Given capital-intensive nature (i.e. R&D, investment in mold & new production lines, short cycle of products), rigid plastic packaging in Vietnam managed to achieve net profit margin of less than 5% in average.
According to FiinGroup